To celebrate the season, and as a special gift to all of you, Cyrilla invited Drunvalo Melchizedek to join her on the show this month. In an hour long interview, the man who needs no introduction covers the Great Shift, the ascension phenomenon, the Mayan prophecies, and the news on the thousands of recently discovered Codices that will hopefully give us a clearer understanding of what it means to be alive at this time. Portions of the conversation tie all of the above in with the Extraterrestrial presence and the extent to which our Star Brothers are here to guide us through the End Times and ease our transition into Unity Consciousness. You will also hear what Drunvalo has to say about the Inner Terrestrials and the importance of their role at this stage of the game. If you think you've heard it all, guess again! We invite you to tune in to a totally wonderful, enlightening, and mind blowing hour with one of the most amazing men on the planet.
יום שלישי, 12 באפריל 2011
Drunvalo Melchizedek - November 2010 Interview with Cyrilla Gallagher
To celebrate the season, and as a special gift to all of you, Cyrilla invited Drunvalo Melchizedek to join her on the show this month. In an hour long interview, the man who needs no introduction covers the Great Shift, the ascension phenomenon, the Mayan prophecies, and the news on the thousands of recently discovered Codices that will hopefully give us a clearer understanding of what it means to be alive at this time. Portions of the conversation tie all of the above in with the Extraterrestrial presence and the extent to which our Star Brothers are here to guide us through the End Times and ease our transition into Unity Consciousness. You will also hear what Drunvalo has to say about the Inner Terrestrials and the importance of their role at this stage of the game. If you think you've heard it all, guess again! We invite you to tune in to a totally wonderful, enlightening, and mind blowing hour with one of the most amazing men on the planet.

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