DMT: The Spirit Molecule * * * *
The Spirit Molecule investigates dimethyltryptamine (DMT), an endogenous psychoactive compound, which exists in humans as well as in numerous species of plants and animals. The feature-length documentary traces Dr. Rick Strassman's government sanctioned human DMT research and its many trials, tribulations, achievements, and inconceivable realizations. This includes looking deeper into the intense psychedelic experience that DMT causes when consumed, and examining DMT's scientific, spiritual, and cultural relevance. Ultimately, The Spirit Molecule explores the connections between cutting-edge neuroscience, quantum physics, and human spirituality.
Although the story revolves around Strassman's research, and the experiences of the human test subjects, the film draws on a variety of experts to voice unique thoughts and experiences with DMT from within their respective fields. The experts include research scientists, doctors, religious leaders, writers, artists, anthropologists, psychologists, physicists, psychonauts, et al. As Strassman's story unfolds, these contributors weigh in on his remarkable theories, indigenous use of DMT, the history and future of psychedelics and psychedelic research, and the current news about DMT; including a recent Supreme Court case allowing the use of ayahuasca in the United States within the religious ceremonies of the UDV, a hybrid of indigenousness beliefs with that of Christianity. Other areas of exploration include possible roles for endogenous DMT production, DMT's role in near-death and birth experiences, alien abduction experiences, and the uncanny likeness to ancient religious texts describing prophets with DMT-like experiences. The contributors offer a comprehensive collection of information, opinions, and speculation to help understand the nature of the DMT experience, and its role in human society and evolution.
In addition to the interviews, the film will feature mind-blowing visualizations of the DMT experience and motion graphics displaying a collection of technical illustrations, charts, and graphs that explain the substance's structure and Dr. Strassman's physiological findings. We will collaborate, and seek inspiration, from artists like Alex Grey and other
Visionary Artists skilled in DMT motivated art to best recreate the visual aspect of the experience.
To better navigate the expansive realms of Strassman's DMT universe, popular actor, comedian, and social satirist, Joe Rogan, will serve as tour guide. His own personal experiences with DMT, and a fascination that borders on reverence, have motivated him to be a central component of the project. In stylized scenes reminiscent of Rod Sterling's famous Twilight Zone bookends, Rogan will shepherd the audience through the great unknowns of the DMT space. The subtle combination of science, spirituality, and philosophy make this film, and the DMT experience, provocative. It results in an abundance of incredible ideas and theories that could alter the way humans understand the universe and their relationship to it.
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The Spirit Molecule Book By Rick Strassman